Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Viajes. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Viajes. Mostrar todas las entradas


Sao Sebastiao do Rio de Janeiro, known simply as Rio de Janeiro, is the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro is located in the southeast of the country. It was the capital of the Empire of Brazil since 1822, when the nation declared its independence from Portugal and persisted that range up to the inauguration of Brasilia, in 1960.

Rio de Janeiro Cidade Maravilhosa
Copacabana and Ipanema, the Maracana stadium, the Tijuca National Park (the largest urban forest in the world), Quinta da Boa Vista, the island of Boxspring, the festivities of End of the Year in Copacabana and the celebration of Carnival.

Ribeira Sacra y Cañones del Sil (Ourense-España)

The Ribeira Sacra is an area that includes the banks of the river Sil and of the Miño. In the southern area of the province of Lugo and the north of the province of Orense; the capital of the area it was agreed that it was the city of Monforte de Lemos (Lugo).

The toponym "Ribeira Sacra" could come from the Middle Ages, and in the beginning, it was thought that the origin of its name would be in the latin "Rivoira Sacrata" and she could respond to the large number of monasteries and temples located in the monumental canyons and steep slopes that crisscross the area.


Veneto region. Known as "the city of canals", is located in the northeast of the country, on a set of islands that stretches over a marshy lagoon in the mar Adriatic, between the mouths of the rivers Po (south) and Piave (north).

Venice is a city that is unique in the world that we all want to visit. A place that every time they return, will get surprised by the emotions and the charms you have. A photograph of its grandiose past are the streets and alleys, bridges, squares and courtyards, which always will leave you breathless. Venice is a tourist destination throughout the year, while in summer reaches crowded with.


"Costa de Almería" es la denominación turística que recibe la franja litoral de la provincia de Almería, una extensión de territorio que abarca 217 kilómetros y 13 municipios: desde Pulpí, en el límite con la provincia murciana hasta Adra, que limita con la provincia de Granada. Desde el 16 de febrero de 1928 el empresario turístico Rodolfo Lussnigg promocionaría la denominación Costa del Sol para la Costa de Almería, a la que se refería originalmente de forma exclusiva.

Dentro de la Costa de Almería pueden encontrarse destinos turísticos como Vera, Mojácar, Roquetas de Mar o Almerimar, y espacios naturales como el Parque Natural de Cabo de Gata-Níjar, el Paraje Natural Punta Entinas-Sabinar, o la Isla de San Andrés, entre otros.


La playa Patin es de entorno rural,aunque es una playa semiurbana, de arena blanca y fina. Muy ventosa y con fuerte oleaje, propicia para los deportes náuticos: surf, con la celebración en el mes de septiembre de las pruebas puntuales para el campeonato del mundo de surf.

Con un total de 1.659Km. de costa y más de 700 playas, Galicia dispone de aproximadamente 120 surf spots en algunas atlánticas. Estas características confieren a las costas gallegas de uno de los mejores ambientes para la práctica del surf. Sin importar tu habilidad sobre la tabla, si decides recorrer el litoral gallego encontrarás gran variedad de lugares donde disfrutar del surf.
Las playas gallegas no tienen nada que envidiar a las francesas o portuguesas para la práctica del surf.